Thomas Delattre

Thomas Delattre

Chargé de recherche

Thomas Delattre

Chargé de recherche

Dept : "Santé des Plantes et Environnement"

Équipe :  Ecologie de la Production Intégrée (EPI)

Lab : Plantes et Système de culture Horticoles - PSH



INRA _ Unité PSH (UR1115)

Domaine ST-Paul - Site Agroparc

CS 40509


Téléphone : +33 (0)4 32 72 24 79

Fax : +33 4 32 72 24 32

You can find updated information on my personal website :



  • Main research interests:

I have been working on a variety of topics with spatial ecology as a cornerstone. I focused on the interactions between landscape ecology and climatic conditions during my PhD and a Post-Doc [“Ecobio” Lab, CNRS/University of Rennes with Françoise Burel & Philippe Vernon] with a special interest on the dispersal evolutionary ecology of the Meadow Brown (Maniola jurtina), an emblematic species of the grassland habitats clusters that can be found in European agricultural landscapes. I worked as a Post-doc at the IRD (“Institut de Recherche pour le Développement”, with David Kaplan) on the ecosystemic modeling of marine protected areas. I am a now a researcher at the French Institute for Agronomical research (INRA) since fall 2013. My objective is to cook an innovative mixture of my interests in landscape ecology, movement ecology, community ecology and agent-based modeling and to search for landscape planning scenarios that enable stakeholders to maintain agricultural pests at minimal levels, with a focus on predators-pests interactions.


  • Research profile and publications:            

Date de modification : 22 juillet 2024 | Date de création : 28 janvier 2014 | Rédaction : Thomas Delattre