Mohamed-Mahmoud Memah

Mohamed-Mahmoud Memah


Mohamed-Mahmoud Memah

Associate researcher
Dept. Santé des Plantes et Environnement

Lab. Plantes et Systèmes de culture Horticoles Team :


UR1115 Plantes et Systèmes de culture Horticoles, INRA
Domaine Saint Paul, Site Agroparc

CS 40509

F-84914 Avignon Cedex 9
Tél: (33) 432 72 24 79
Email :



Since July 1st 2008 : Researcher (CR2), Plantes et Systèmes de culture Horticoles, INRA, France

December 15th 2006 – May 31st 2008: Postdoc, Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale (Dunkerque), and Gaz de France R&D department, St Denis, France.

2003 - 2006 : PhD thesis in Automatic Control and Industrial Information Technology, Ecole Centrale de Lille and Université des sciences et technologies de Lille.

    • Current :

Currently I am researcher in the team Integrated horticultural crop production. My research focus is on the model-based design of integrated horticultural production systems. The developed approaches are mainly originated from artificial intelligence and multicriteria decision making. They aim to formulate the design of integrated horticultural production systems as a multiobjective optimization problem and to propose efficient algorithms able to resolve this kind of optimization problems. This work uses the biotechnical models developed by my colleagues. These models describe either the interactions between plants, pests, and natural enemies under the effect of cultural practices or the interactions between genotypes, environments and cultural practices. Our short-term objective is to be able to propose effective and realizable technical procedures that satisfy many antagonist criteria and respect some biotic and abiotic constraints.

    • Past :


During my postdoctoral stay at Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale and GDF, I had worked on the optimal design and dimensioning of hydrogen transmission distribution pipeline networks. The design problem includes the topology determination and the dimensioning problem. We developed new solution method that simultaneously looks for the least cost topology of the network and for the optimal diameter of each pipe. These two problems were generally solved separately in the literature. The proposed approach was applied to the case of development of future hydrogen pipeline networks on several urban areas in Europe and the obtained results demonstrated the effectiveness of this approach compared to the classical ones. The networks were modeled by means of graphs and the proposed approach was based on the nonlinear optimization techniques. This work was realized with the collaboration of Gaz de France, Total, and The French petrol institute (IFP) in the framework of the EcoTransHy project.

*PhD Thesis

In my PhD thesis I had interested to the real-time regulation of the urban collective transportation networks. This is a very difficult problem, especially in case of appearance of simultaneous disturbances (vehicle’s breakdown, strike, and demonstration). Regulator (decision-maker) has to carry out difficult tasks that are often inaccessible at the human scale and involve the assistance of a decision support system (DSS). We developed the main part of this DSS that is generator and evaluator of the decision strategies for a disrupted transport network regulation. The proposed module is based on a hybrid approach using a fuzzy evaluation method and evolutionary algorithms. It treated the regulation problem as an optimization one and provides the regulator with evaluated and classified effective decisions by taking into account his/her preferences. This work was realized in collaboration with INRETS (French National Institute for Transport and Safety Research), Ecole Centrale de Lille, Lille University for Sciences and technologies, and Valenciennes University.

Keywords: Integrated production systems, modeling, decision-making, optimization by simulation, multiobjective optimization, evolutionary algorithms, fuzzy logic.


Kadrani, A.,Mohamed-Mahmoud Ould-Sidi, Quilot-Turion, B., Génard, M., & Lescourret, F. (2012). Particle Swarm Optimization to Design Ideotypes for Sustainable Fruit Production Systems. International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research (IJSIR), 3(2), 1-19. doi:10.4018/jsir.2012040101.

Isabelle Grechi, Mohamed-Mahmoud Ould-Sidi, Nadine Hilgert, Rachid Senoussi, Benoît Sauphanor, Françoise Lescourret. Designing integrated management scenarios using simulation-based and multi-objective optimization: application to the peach tree-Myzus persicae aphid system. Ecological Modelling 246 (2012) 47–59.

J. André, S. Auray, J. Brac, D. De Wolf, G. Maisonnier, Mohamed-Mahmoud Ould-Sidi, A. Simonet. Design and dimensioning of Hydrogen transmission pipeline networks. European Journal of Operations Research (accepted subject to modifications).

B. Quilot-Turion, MM. Ould Sidi, A. Kadrani, N. Hilgert, M. Génard, F. Lescourret. 2011. Optimization of genetic parameters of the ‘Virtual Fruit’ model to design peach ideotypes for sustainable production systems. European Journal of Agronomy 42 (2012) 34– 48.

MM. Ould Sidi and F. Lescourret. Model-based design of innovative cropping systems: state of the art and new prospects. Agronomy for sustainable development. Volume 31, Issue 3, 2011, pp. 571-588.

D. De Wolf, MM. Ould Sidi, J. André, A. Simonnet, G. Maisonnier, J. Brac. Optimal design and dimensioning of Hydrogen transmission distribution pipeline networks. HEC Discussion Paper 2009 03/01, Mars 2009.

MM. Ould Sidi, S. Hayat, S. Hammadi, P. Borne. A novel approach to developing and evaluating regulation strategies for urban transport disrupted networks. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing Vol. 21, No 4, June 2008, pp 480-493.

MM. Ould Sidi, S. Hammadi, S. Hayat, P. Borne. Urban transport networks regulation and evaluation: A fuzzy evolutionary approach. IEEE transaction on systems mans and cybernetics SMC Part A: Systems and Humans, Vol. 38, No 2, March 2008, pp 309-318.


Ould-Sidi Mohamed-Mahmoud, Quilot-Turion Bénédicte, Kadrani Abdeslam, Génard Michel, Lescourret Françoise. Compromising stopping criteria and performance of NSGA-II algorithm: case of sustainable peach ideotypes design. META’12.

Mohamed-Mahmoud Ould-Sidi, Bénédicte Quilot-Turion, Antoine Rolland. Multicriteria sorting methods to select virtual peach ideotypes. ROADEF’12.

I. Grechi, N. Hilgert, MM. Ould Sidi, F. Lescourret. An Agro-Ecological Model of the Peach tree-Myzus persicae Aphid System and its Use to Evaluate and Design Integrated Management Scenarios. IXth International Symposium on Modelling in Fruit Research and Orchard Management, June 19-23, 2011, Saint-Jean–sur-Richelieu, Québec, Canada.

M. Génard, B. Quilot-Turion, MM. Ould-Sidi, A. Kadrani, N. Hilgert, F. Lescourret. Heuristic value of a ‘Virtual fruit’ model of peach fruit quality and sensitivity to brown rot: impact of a single mutation and design of ideotypes. IXth International Symposium on Modelling in Fruit Research and Orchard Management, June 19-23, 2011, Saint-Jean–sur-Richelieu, Québec, Canada.

A. Kadrani, MM. Ould Sidi, B. Quilot-Turion, M. Génard, F. Lescourret. Particle swarm optimization for designing ideotypes for sustainable production systems. In proceeding of the International conference on swarm intelligence ICSI’2011. June 14-15 Paris, France.


Research rapports

J. André, A. Simonet, MM. Ould Sidi, D. De Wolf, G. Maisonnier, J. Brac. EcoTransHy, Rapport final de conclusions. Rapport de recherche de 29 pages sur le projet EcoTransHy pour l’ANR, Décembre 2008.

MM. Ould Sidi, Jean Andre, Daniel De Wolf, Jean Brac. Calculs de pertes de charge et de puissances des compresseurs pour une installation de transport de l’hydrogène. Rapport de la première phase du projet EcotransHY, Mars 2007.

MM. Ould Sidi, S. Hammadi, S. Hayat, P. Borne. Rapport d’avancement du projet SART : Système d’aide à régulation du trafic de transport. INRETS, Ecole Centrale de Lille, Juillet 2005.

Studies rapports

MM. Ould Sidi. Contribution à l’amélioration des systèmes d’aide à la décision pour la régulation des réseaux de transport collectif. Rapport de thèse de doctorat. Décembre 2006.

MM. Ould Sidi. Contribution à l’amélioration des systèmes à inférence floue pour la régulation du trafic. Rapport DEA, 2003.